A historic building in the heart of the Russian capital, an example of the beauty and grace of architecture
Project details
The oldest shopping arcade in Moscow is located in the quarter of Kitai Gorod between Varvarka, Ilyinka, Khrustalny and Rybny lanes. In the 1990s, it was rebuilt as a trade and exhibition complex.
The building was built in neoclassical style. Columns with arches define the basic architectural rhythm of the object.
In the illumination of the object was chosen the principle of pouring from the bottom up and highlighting the main architectural details with light to relief an extended facade.
Arched openings is highlighted by light, it’s not only an important architectural element of the building, but also reflects its own history and purpose.
The general architectural rhythm of the columns is emphasized by lighting from two sides, which reveals their volume.
Lighting solution for the facade of the new Kamala Theatre in Kazan and territory at Lake Kaban embankment
Lighting design solution for the Church of Grand Duke Vladimir in Tushino and the landscape lighting
Architectural lighting design project designed in accordance with the requirements of the green building standard