29 November 2023

Modern technologies for comfortable lighting

Lighting designer of the engineering company QPRO Julia Lyubakova told about modern technologies for comfortable lighting
29 November 2023

Nowadays, experts understand the concept of “comfortable lighting” as a complex of various aspects of modern technologies that make it possible to create optimal lighting conditions in public and work spaces. This includes the use of energy-efficient and durable LED lamps, which reduce energy consumption and improve the quality of lighting; and minimizing the effect of light flickering, which helps to reduce eye fatigue and increase productivity; and the development of intelligent lighting control systems that optimize the operation of lighting fixtures and automatically adjust brightness depending on the needs and preferences of users; and much more.

Today Julia Lyubakova industry expert talked about their understanding and contribution to the creation of comfortable lighting in Russia.


1. Which innovative lighting technologies do you consider most effective in improving user comfort?
I consider the most effective for user comfort the developments in the field of improving the optics and design of luminaries (various diffusers, reflectors, dark light, the use of PMMA with laser notches), as well as light sources (for example, continuous spectrum LEDs). In my opinion comfortable lighting fundamentally impossible without high-quality lamps. Even the most sophisticated control system won’t help if the light sources are blinding, flickering, and poorly rendering colors.


2. What examples of successful implementation of innovative technologies in lighting design to improve comfort can you name from your experience?
I consider the lighting solution for the Digital Transformation Center “Zifergauz” in St. Petersburg to be the one of the most technologically advanced projects implemented by QPRO company. On the one hand, various aspects of visual comfort in the interior space are considered: reflected light is used, which creates a balance of horizontal and vertical illumination, visually enlarges the space and compensates for the lack of sunlight; lighting equipment with high-quality optics guarantees the absence of glare and the accuracy of lighting solutions. On the other hand, there was implemented a dynamic lighting system (tunable white) with color temperature changing throughout the day and the ability to be customized for various tasks in Zofergauz. Media panels that broadcast dynamic media content, integrated into the interior, lighting effects imitating natural patterns are also important elements of comfort, as they make the space lively, non-monotonic, and promote switching attention and relaxation.


3. What predictions do you make regarding the future development of innovative lighting technologies to improve comfort?
I think there will be continued improvement in the optical part of the luminaires to improve visual comfort. I would like to see the development of visual comfort technologies for outdoor lighting fixtures. They are now behind the technology used in interiors.
Since comfort is largely an individual concept, and also in connection with the trend towards personalization, in my opinion, control systems will become simpler and become accessible to a wide range of users, and as their popularity increases, their cost will also decrease.


4. What changes in industry requirements and regulations may be necessary to successfully implement innovative lighting technologies to improve comfort?
As a lighting designer, I have not encountered any regulatory requirements that in any way impede the implementation of innovative lighting technologies. The limitations are rather the project budget and the ability to purchase equipment. From a regulatory perspective, it would be beneficial to introduce not only lower but also upper limits on average illuminance to enhance visual comfort in interiors and exteriors. In interiors, it may be necessary to introduce the concept of zones of visual assignment and surroundings, requirements for illumination of wall surfaces. It is also necessary to formalize the requirements to reduce light pollution, because comfort is not only about glare, and not only about humans.