07 November 2021



The discussion about data protection does not stop at a smart building. Because everything you can operate digitally yourself, can theoretically also be controlled by unauthorised third parties. This is where JUNG KNX Secure comes in and provides effective protection thanks to encryption with the AES128 algorithm.
KNX Secure offers double protection: KNX IP Secure ensures that all the telegrams on the network level are authenticated and the transferred data encrypted, independently of the medium. Thus the communication between sensor and actuator in the IP network cannot be interpreted or manipulated. The visualisation is thus secure (e.g. with the help of the JUNG Visu Pro Server). KNX Data Secure also encrypts and authenticates the data on the bus line (Twisted Pair) or via wireless communication (RF). KNX secure prevents attack scenarios such as telegram recording, telegram replay or modification.


Security from one provider

JUNG offers the appropriate hardware: from the basis with KNX switch and blind actua-tors or control units with the new KNX push-buttons F 10, via the communication using line coupler, USB data interface or IP routers to the visualisation. The new JUNG KNX Secure products guarantee data security and reliably control the entire building tech-nology.
Put KNX Secure into operation: safely, quickly and easily thanks to innovative apps
Professional installers need the certificates of the individual KNX Secure components to make a KNX installation secure. They must be integrated in ETS and are therefore print-ed as a QR code directly on the JUNG devices. The time-intensive and error-prone process of typing the device certificates is no longer necessary using the JUNG secure apps.


JUNG KNX Secure Scanner

With the new smartphone app, JUNG closes the trade interface between installer, distribution engineer and system integrator: installers simply scan in the QR code and the secure keys appear in the app as a list view. With the JUNG KNX Secure Scanner, you create a protected certificate list or direct the secure keys in a password-protected PDF. JUNG KNX Secure Scanner is available at no charge in the App Stores.


JUNG KNX Secure Key Loader

The exported certificate list can be simply transferred to the ETS with the application JUNG KNX Secure Key Loader and thus integrated in the project. Several certificate lists can be merged in a project so that e.g. the project design can be carried out in parallel to the project progress. This extension is available via the KNX Association App Shop (my.knx.org) and is bound to the ETS dongle. The installation is performed via the App menu in the main menu of ETS 5.


ETS Service App

With the new ETS Service app, KNX devices can be conveniently maintained. The extension enables a new firmware to be installed in the components – for example to activate KNX Data Secure in a JUNG line coupler. Moreover, older firmware versions can be transferred if required into existing devices (e.g. when a device is replaced). For firm-ware programming processes, the programming interface of the ETS is used and all the KNX media is supported: Twisted Pair, IP and RF.



Further information, background and concrete application examples are provided in the brochures KNX Secure and Use cases KNX Secure. Both are available as download under Hyperlink: https://www.jung.de/en/10460/press/knx-secure-security-in-the-smart-building/